Develop Economies Moves to Kenya
Originally posted on May 16, 2011
As loyal readers may have noticed, the postings on Develop Economies have been sparse of late. That is because I have been running around Ghana, seeing friends and sights and beaches that I missed while I was working. But now, six months after my arrival in this great country, I am on my way out again. Tomorrow morning I’ll be flying to Kenya – Nairobi, specifically – where I’ll begin to work in social enterprise (I don’t have a job lined up yet, so if you’ve got any leads, it would be much appreciated).
Over the past six months, I have learned a lot of things about more than I could have ever imagined. I delved deep into the agriculture sector in the country, analyzing the forces and dynamics, both external and internal, that have led to the industry that exists today. I have thought about supply chains in rice, maize, soya, and fruits, and thought about how information is delivered to and received by farmers. I’ve thought about different agri-business models and which are the best positioned for scale. It has been a great learning experience, I’ve met smart and interesting people here, and it is going to be sad to leave.
Tomorrow I fly to Kenya to begin the next chapter. From there, I will cut my teeth in the world of social enterprise in East Africa. It is an exciting time, and it will be a pleasure to keep my readers posted about what I learn.